This morning at work S was telling his little brother, “When you were in mommy’s tummy you were this small!” (He held his fingers an inch apart.)"Then you grewed and grewed and grewed!” I thought B was ignoring him, as a normal 3 year old will do when they doesn’t care. But a few hours later, after his nap B came running down the stairs. He asked me, “When Sophie and Panda were in your tummy were they this big?” (Hands an inch apart)
I was trying SO hard not to laugh because he was being totally sincere and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
Me: “Honey, Sophie and Panda are dogs.” I say, still a little puzzled.
B: Just looks at me with that so what kind of look.
Me: “They came from a mommy dog and they grew in her tummy. But yes, they were that small when they were in the mommy dog’s tummy.”
B: Looking totally lost. “Then how did you get them?”
Me: Yet again searching for words… “I adopted them.”
B: Big smile! “Did you go far away to Ethiopia and bring them home forever!?!” (His family is in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.)
Me: It is almost imposable not to laugh at this point. “No I adopted them from close by in Washington”
B: “Oh, Ok!” He then just runs off as happy as can be.
I laughed for hours and I am still laughing as I type this. What a funny boy! I am always SO amazed what they manage to pick up and store in those little brains. Even if you think they aren’t paying attention.
I think a big part of this comes from the fact that lately he asked me almost daily, “Do you have kids?” I always say “No, but I have dogs.” I think I will rephrase that from now on! :)
Chronicling my journey as a mother-to-be and writing my new chapter in life!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Silly Dogs
What are the dogs up to while I blog you ask?

Sophie keeps busy trying to get into my lap.

Silly dogs!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Whole-Wheat Pita Bread
So yesterday I got ambitious and decided to make whole-wheat pita bread from scratch. This may surprise you but I had never made a yeast dough from scratch by myself without a bread maker or a starter. Let me just tell you my arms are still sore from all the kneading. It was totally worth it though because the pita bread turned out great! MMMM! I made Pesto Pita Pizza for everyone in the house. Oh, I had enough to make it again for my mom and I today and still have a few left over just for me.


Whole-wheat Pita Bread

In other big news I made it to my goal weight and pant size this weekend! I could not be more pleased!!! Size 4 jeans, nice to meet you! I am now focused on toning and maintaining. :) I do plan on staying with my diet for a bit longer but I will loosen up a little.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Healthy cooking tip #1
So I read about this a while ago and was surprised how well it really worked. Instead of using oil when cooking things on the stove use Veggie Broth. (Or low sodium beef or chicken broth for you meat eaters.) I have tried it with both fajitas and stir fry so far and it works great! Instead of getting 120 calories per tablespoon with olive oil you get 5 calories for a cup of broth!!! I like to buy the broth that comes in a carton with a lid since you only need a little for each recipe. I got the organic vegetable broth for Trade Joes and it is only about $2, that is about the same price as the “normal” stuff anywhere else. Last night I made fajitas with the broth and put a little extra in so I didn’t have to add any water when I put the seasonings in. It gives it a ton more flavor and you will not miss the oil. Yummy!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My mini garden
Monday, March 22, 2010
My life now
My life has been a little crazy lately which is mostly self caused and I really do like keeping busy but sometimes I feel like I would like to have a little outlet to just put my thoughts down and get them out of my head. So I though why not start a blog? I think I am one of the few left out there without one.
Like I said life has been crazy... About 6 months ago I went through some big changes and just really started thinking about what I want out of life and how I was going to get myself were I want to be. I have done a lot of self discovery through these past few months, it has not always been easy, but I am truly happy with who I am becoming and feel like for the first time in my life I am living the life that I was meant to live.
My first and biggest change so far has been my body. I was very unhappy with my weight and looks in general, I knew no one was going to make the changes for me and I would have to do it for myself. So then came the diet... I eat around 1200 calories a day, I stay away from anything with added sugar, I eat low carbs, no junk, LOTS of water, no caffeine (well maybe once a week) and I put a lot of thought into every bite I put in my mouth. Oh and I must admit I read labels like a crazy person... Yes even on things other people are eating… Sorry Sarah! I also started eating almost only organic foods after reading a book about all the crap they put into food. It was a great book but I would only recommend it if you really want to make the switch because after you read it you will not look at "normal" food the same. This may seem a little drastic to some people but I have been a Vegetarian for over 10 years so it seemed almost natural for me to take this next step.
After that came the workouts... I started by taking the dogs for a walk every day, unless it was raining... My dog do NOT do rain. Then I just kept adding onto that until I was doing as much as I could at home and needed to join a gym. I must say I love my gym! Now I workout every day for at least an hour, most days I do more. Last month there was only one day I can think of that I didn't do some kind of workout and that was because I had vertigo and couldn't even stand up right much less try to exercise.
Another big goal of mine is to try new things. I tend to like to play things safe and stick to my normal day to day routine. So far I have tried some strange things, like sea vegetables and hot yoga to name a few, but you only live once so why the hell not! I guess we will all see what my next adventure will be....
So far I have lost 85 pounds and gone from a size 16 to a size 5! Oh man do I feel great! I am trying to take each day as it comes and live life to the fullest!
Like I said life has been crazy... About 6 months ago I went through some big changes and just really started thinking about what I want out of life and how I was going to get myself were I want to be. I have done a lot of self discovery through these past few months, it has not always been easy, but I am truly happy with who I am becoming and feel like for the first time in my life I am living the life that I was meant to live.
My first and biggest change so far has been my body. I was very unhappy with my weight and looks in general, I knew no one was going to make the changes for me and I would have to do it for myself. So then came the diet... I eat around 1200 calories a day, I stay away from anything with added sugar, I eat low carbs, no junk, LOTS of water, no caffeine (well maybe once a week) and I put a lot of thought into every bite I put in my mouth. Oh and I must admit I read labels like a crazy person... Yes even on things other people are eating… Sorry Sarah! I also started eating almost only organic foods after reading a book about all the crap they put into food. It was a great book but I would only recommend it if you really want to make the switch because after you read it you will not look at "normal" food the same. This may seem a little drastic to some people but I have been a Vegetarian for over 10 years so it seemed almost natural for me to take this next step.
After that came the workouts... I started by taking the dogs for a walk every day, unless it was raining... My dog do NOT do rain. Then I just kept adding onto that until I was doing as much as I could at home and needed to join a gym. I must say I love my gym! Now I workout every day for at least an hour, most days I do more. Last month there was only one day I can think of that I didn't do some kind of workout and that was because I had vertigo and couldn't even stand up right much less try to exercise.
Another big goal of mine is to try new things. I tend to like to play things safe and stick to my normal day to day routine. So far I have tried some strange things, like sea vegetables and hot yoga to name a few, but you only live once so why the hell not! I guess we will all see what my next adventure will be....
So far I have lost 85 pounds and gone from a size 16 to a size 5! Oh man do I feel great! I am trying to take each day as it comes and live life to the fullest!
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