Monday, March 22, 2010

My life now

My life has been a little crazy lately which is mostly self caused and I really do like keeping busy but sometimes I feel like I would like to have a little outlet to just put my thoughts down and get them out of my head. So I though why not start a blog? I think I am one of the few left out there without one.
Like I said life has been crazy... About 6 months ago I went through some big changes and just really started thinking about what I want out of life and how I was going to get myself were I want to be. I have done a lot of self discovery through these past few months, it has not always been easy, but I am truly happy with who I am becoming and feel like for the first time in my life I am living the life that I was meant to live.
My first and biggest change so far has been my body. I was very unhappy with my weight and looks in general, I knew no one was going to make the changes for me and I would have to do it for myself. So then came the diet... I eat around 1200 calories a day, I stay away from anything with added sugar, I eat low carbs, no junk, LOTS of water, no caffeine (well maybe once a week) and I put a lot of thought into every bite I put in my mouth. Oh and I must admit I read labels like a crazy person... Yes even on things other people are eating… Sorry Sarah! I also started eating almost only organic foods after reading a book about all the crap they put into food. It was a great book but I would only recommend it if you really want to make the switch because after you read it you will not look at "normal" food the same. This may seem a little drastic to some people but I have been a Vegetarian for over 10 years so it seemed almost natural for me to take this next step.
After that came the workouts... I started by taking the dogs for a walk every day, unless it was raining... My dog do NOT do rain. Then I just kept adding onto that until I was doing as much as I could at home and needed to join a gym. I must say I love my gym! Now I workout every day for at least an hour, most days I do more. Last month there was only one day I can think of that I didn't do some kind of workout and that was because I had vertigo and couldn't even stand up right much less try to exercise.
Another big goal of mine is to try new things. I tend to like to play things safe and stick to my normal day to day routine. So far I have tried some strange things, like sea vegetables and hot yoga to name a few, but you only live once so why the hell not! I guess we will all see what my next adventure will be....
So far I have lost 85 pounds and gone from a size 16 to a size 5! Oh man do I feel great! I am trying to take each day as it comes and live life to the fullest!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogging community! Glad you could join us. Love the new blog, keep them coming. It's about all I can do to keep up with you anymore. I can at least still read with a sleeping baby in my arms. :-)
