This was Wendy (I renamed her Sophie) at 5 weeks old
I drove two and a half hour to look at the puppies and pick out my little girl. When I got there they were all so cute! I sat down in the middle of the room and this tiny little runt came over and climbed in my lap. She was so sweet, loving and quiet. She did not leave my side the entire time I was at the house. I picked her or I should say she picked me.
The breeder, Dawn, was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She loved her dog more than anything and knew she would make a great little mommy. Although because she loved her dog so much she only ever had the one litter of puppies. Her dog was a Shih Tzu and her best friend had a boy ½ Shih Tzu, ½ Pekingese mix so they decided to let them try to have a litter of puppies. It worked on the first try. The puppies were born while Dawn and her husband were out seeing the play Peter Pan. She gave all the dogs temporary Peter Pan names. There was Peter, Wendy, Tinker Bell, Captain, and Nana.
Like I said I fell in love with the runt, Wendy. I set up a time one week later when she would be 7 weeks old to come and take my baby home. I was SO excited! I got everything a new puppy could need, the best food on the market, shampoo, leashes, a collar, bowls, beds, treats, toys… You name it I got it, Only the best for my baby!
One week later I made the drive again and brought Sophie home. I got the name from the play Mama Mia. I was crazy in love with the play at the time and thought it would be a good name for my pup. She was the perfect puppy! Potty trained in 2 day! She really only ever had one accident. She never chewed on anything, loved to sleep and snuggle with me. Soph was VERY bonded with me even from the beginning and loved to just sit in my lap no matter what I was doing. (She still does.)
She has been a great addition to my life! In some ways it seems like I have had her for so much longer than two years and in other ways I just don’t know how it’s been that long already. She knows me better than I think most people do. When I am sad, I don’t even have to show it, she just knows and will be in my lap or face giving me loves. When I am happy or excited she is too.
A little more about Sophie?She hates Baths!
Is a total fashionista
Gets stuck in all kinds of things
Can't swim but does ok with her life jacket
She loves people, especially kids
Her cousin Hank is her BFF
She LOVES to sleep in bed right next to me and can even somehow tuck herself in. Although she snores louder that a lot of humans!
And Sophie is the best big sister to Panda
I feel so blessed to have had her to spend the last few years with and look forward to many, many more!
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