I have been doing a lot of hiking lately, I love it! It so nice to breathe the fresh air and get some great exercise all at the same time. I have gone on a few by myself and a few with other people. Here are some highlights.
Rattlesnake Lakes: This was a big deal for me. I had done this hike a while ago when I was still fat and could only get half way up. This time my babies and I made it to the top!
Rattlesnake Lakes: This was a big deal for me. I had done this hike a while ago when I was still fat and could only get half way up. This time my babies and I made it to the top!
Cougar Mountain Trail: Sarah and I set out to go to the Anti-Aircraft Flats but somehow ended up on this small path practically in people’s back yards. We will try again to find the right path another day. This was the crazy slug we found. Cougar Mountain Trail off 900: Good hike but the path was closed about a mile up for some race. Little Si Trail: This one was hard but rewording. I had a little cold and ended up having a huge asthma attack but I pushed through, it was beautiful. I managed to drop my camera TWICE on this hike and it hasn’t been the same since, but it still works.
Cougar Mountain Trail off 900, 2nd time: This time we went a lot further. My favorite quote of the day was near the end of where we went Sarah said “It’s so nature-ish up here.” Hmm, really? We saw a sign at the beginning from a person saying they had heard a cougar a few days prior and although I thought it was a mean joke it worried Sarah and I the entire hike. We kept stopping or jumping because we though we heard / saw something. :)
Love the pictures! I love hiking...maybe I'll get back into it someday!