Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ever want something you know is completely unpractical but you really want it? That’s how I felt about these boots I saw recently. Four inch heal, black, suede, comes just under the knee. Hot! I was in love with them. But I am practical (sometimes too much so) as a nanny when will I wear them? I could / should spend the money in a hundred different ways. I have great day to day boots I don’t have time for impracticality.
The other part of this is that when I was fat... I mean heavier... I couldn’t have worn boots like this, my legs were to fat. Now with thin legs these boots were part of my end goal, to be able to wear what I like not just what fits.
Well I decided when they go on sale I would get them. Boy was that a good idea. The boots were $110. Really not that bad but I never pay full price for anything, it always goes on sale. This week they were on sale for $50 on top of that a friend gave me a $15 off $50 or more. All in all I got my dream boots for under $40! I am in love! ♥
Now to find a place to wear them to! ;)

Snow, Snow Go Away!

I was thinking last night about how funny it is when we changes. Not the big things, the little thoughts that run through your head.
I remember when I was little I would run to the window when the weather man was threatening snow and hope to see a flake or two. I would be so excited! I am sure I looked every two minutes and made my mom crazy. If I woke up in the morning to no snow I was SO disappointed. But if I woke up to snow covered grounds, I would bundle up and play until I could no longer feel my fingers. Once I came inside my mom always had a pot of hot cocoa on for us.
Now? I feel old. Last night I looked outside a hundred times hoping to not see a single flake! It’s not that I don’t like snow it’s that I am realistic. We live on a big hill… Again. If it snows chances are I am stuck. I can’t be stuck in this house for days on end I would lose my mind. I don’t know when this mind frame changed. I think it was when school ended and nothing good came of missing out on anything.
A few years ago at the “old house” we got stuck for like five days and the first day or two was ok but after that cabin fever kicked in. So, here is to hoping that if it snows it will just come in small flurries and leave before adding up.
Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

Papa Charlie (My Dad's, Dad)
Dylan in 2003

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Carving a pumpkin in November?

Yep, that’s what I did at work today.
My sweat little B found a pumpkin under his bed just before nap and was very sad that it would be left out of the carving fun. Ok, let me back up. Yes, there was a pumpkin under his bed. B and S love to hide things under the bed. They also hide themselves under the bed. More than once I have come in after putting E down and thought the boys were out of the room, only to hear giggling when I start calling for them. Good thing we found it now and not in a few months.
His first plan was to save it until next year and carve it then. I then explained that even though another Halloween was coming it wouldn’t come for 360 more days. So? In 360 days the pumpkin would be a stinky, yucky pile and could not be carved. His conclusion? Let’s carve it now! Sorry kid you need a nap, after nap? Deal!
So after a good nap we carved the pumpkin, on November 4th. We roasted the seeds, put a candle in Jack and put him on the front porch, on November 4th. I guess to a four year old the date doesn’t matter. As long as they are happy, I am happy to go along with it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Small things

Sometime it's the small things that bring me pure joy. Like the fact that it was SO nice, sunny and warm today! Yay, vitamin D in November! I was able to go for two four mile runs in the sun. It did get a little chilly tonight so I popped a log into the fire place (in my bedroom!) and now it's getting nice and toasty. The wonderful smell of my cinnamon candle is filling the room and I am sipping on some yummy tea. Guess what came out? The red Starbucks cups! The holidays are coming...

Red Cup!Snuggling in front of the fire. My babies are SO sweat.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Up and Down We Go

I am no stranger to the fact that life has a way of screwing with your mind. You have your ups fallowed by some downs than hopefully back up we go. It’s been a hard few weeks.
My brother is leaving on the tenth for Kuwait. He will spend the next year far away fixing radios and computers on a military base. He thinks of this as an adventure. Something fun to do to get him to his ultimate goals. He would love to buy a boat and sail around the world. I, of course, hate all of these ideas. I want him to stay here! He just got out of the Marines a few years ago. It feels like yesterday my prayers were answered and he was safely home from Iraq.
Dylan and I are only 11 months apart. We have always been very close. My mom says she was sure as babies we had our own language. In a way we still do, he tends to be a mumbler but I don’t notice. When someone asked him what he said I am able to translate. I just get him. I have also been protective from day one. Nobody was to mess with “My baby, Gig-in.” (I couldn’t say Dylan so he was Gig-in.)
With that said I fully understand why he wants to go, I just don’t want him to. I am selfish! It is not safe, bad things could happen, I want to have him around for the holidays, I want to know he is safe, loved, well fed, and warm. He doesn’t understand my concerns. (and never really has.) He just says “I will be fine.” It flat out sucks! He is an adult; he gets to do what he wants. I just get to stand by and wave. *Tears!* Oh, that’s SO hard for me!
On top of that I found out today that I am moving… Again! It’s not under the best of circumstances. I am sure in the long run this move is for the best but in this moment it is very overwhelming.
Now add on the upcoming holiday season and all the other craziness of my life. Yikes! I am ready for the upswing… Come on... Anytime now???