I am no stranger to the fact that life has a way of screwing with your mind. You have your ups fallowed by some downs than hopefully back up we go. It’s been a hard few weeks.
My brother is leaving on the tenth for Kuwait. He will spend the next year far away fixing radios and computers on a military base. He thinks of this as an adventure. Something fun to do to get him to his ultimate goals. He would love to buy a boat and sail around the world. I, of course, hate all of these ideas. I want him to stay here! He just got out of the Marines a few years ago. It feels like yesterday my prayers were answered and he was safely home from Iraq.
Dylan and I are only 11 months apart. We have always been very close. My mom says she was sure as babies we had our own language. In a way we still do, he tends to be a mumbler but I don’t notice. When someone asked him what he said I am able to translate. I just get him. I have also been protective from day one. Nobody was to mess with “My baby, Gig-in.” (I couldn’t say Dylan so he was Gig-in.)
With that said I fully understand why he wants to go, I just don’t want him to. I am selfish! It is not safe, bad things could happen, I want to have him around for the holidays, I want to know he is safe, loved, well fed, and warm. He doesn’t understand my concerns. (and never really has.) He just says “I will be fine.” It flat out sucks! He is an adult; he gets to do what he wants. I just get to stand by and wave. *Tears!* Oh, that’s SO hard for me!
On top of that I found out today that I am moving… Again! It’s not under the best of circumstances. I am sure in the long run this move is for the best but in this moment it is very overwhelming.
Now add on the upcoming holiday season and all the other craziness of my life. Yikes! I am ready for the upswing… Come on... Anytime now???