Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow, Snow Go Away!

I was thinking last night about how funny it is when we changes. Not the big things, the little thoughts that run through your head.
I remember when I was little I would run to the window when the weather man was threatening snow and hope to see a flake or two. I would be so excited! I am sure I looked every two minutes and made my mom crazy. If I woke up in the morning to no snow I was SO disappointed. But if I woke up to snow covered grounds, I would bundle up and play until I could no longer feel my fingers. Once I came inside my mom always had a pot of hot cocoa on for us.
Now? I feel old. Last night I looked outside a hundred times hoping to not see a single flake! It’s not that I don’t like snow it’s that I am realistic. We live on a big hill… Again. If it snows chances are I am stuck. I can’t be stuck in this house for days on end I would lose my mind. I don’t know when this mind frame changed. I think it was when school ended and nothing good came of missing out on anything.
A few years ago at the “old house” we got stuck for like five days and the first day or two was ok but after that cabin fever kicked in. So, here is to hoping that if it snows it will just come in small flurries and leave before adding up.
Fingers crossed!

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