In these classes we have also worked on off leash commands, (this terrified me!) commands with just hand movements no sound, and more temptations. We also started agility! Panda can now do high and long jumps, weave, figure eight, and slalom among other things. He did the same agility course and the big dogs with no modifications.
Our instructor has decided to close the current center for many reasons and is going to open a new center. I am looking forward to taking more classes with her wherever she moves to. We just love her and her firm but loving approach. She told us today that the next class we should take is tricks! I am very excited for that class. “Tricks” is more about fun and showing off. She said his obedience skills are past advanced so there is no point in continuing in those classes! (What? My dog!?!) She also said she would like to test him soon for his therapy dog license. She is sure he could pass today if I wanted, but I would like a little more practice just to be sure.
Panda is such a wonderful dog and I am so proud to have him in my life. Can you believe he has come this far and he isn't even two yet? This was the little puppy that was severely abuse and almost didn't make it through his first week home.
Hi, Abra! I saw you were a follower on my blog and I've never stopped by. I am making a point to stop and say Hi to everyone! So nice to meet you and I just love Panda! What a cutie...and CONGRATULATIONS!