Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maybe one of the funniest things a kid has ever asked me…

This morning at work S was telling his little brother, “When you were in mommy’s tummy you were this small!” (He held his fingers an inch apart.)"Then you grewed and grewed and grewed!” I thought B was ignoring him, as a normal 3 year old will do when they doesn’t care. But a few hours later, after his nap B came running down the stairs. He asked me, “When Sophie and Panda were in your tummy were they this big?” (Hands an inch apart)

I was trying SO hard not to laugh because he was being totally sincere and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Me: “Honey, Sophie and Panda are dogs.” I say, still a little puzzled.
B: Just looks at me with that so what kind of look.
Me: “They came from a mommy dog and they grew in her tummy. But yes, they were that small when they were in the mommy dog’s tummy.”
B: Looking totally lost. “Then how did you get them?”
Me: Yet again searching for words… “I adopted them.”
B: Big smile! “Did you go far away to Ethiopia and bring them home forever!?!” (His family is in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.)
Me: It is almost imposable not to laugh at this point. “No I adopted them from close by in Washington”
B: “Oh, Ok!” He then just runs off as happy as can be.

I laughed for hours and I am still laughing as I type this. What a funny boy! I am always SO amazed what they manage to pick up and store in those little brains. Even if you think they aren’t paying attention.

I think a big part of this comes from the fact that lately he asked me almost daily, “Do you have kids?” I always say “No, but I have dogs.” I think I will rephrase that from now on! :)

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