Saturday, May 29, 2010

What do my dogs do all day?

Sleep on the back of the cough!!! I know, they have a really hard life. Ha!
Sophie is asleep in this picture, her eyes don’t close all the way when she lays on her back. Just one of those great things about a Pekingese. :) I know she was asleep because of the very loud snoring coming from her side of the couch. (Another Pek thing.) Excuse the ugly couch, the slip cover was in the wash.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh, how the times have changed!

My Mom hadn’t been feeling well for a few days and I stopped by on Friday to bring her some cold meds and some soup. Last night I got a call from her, she sounded awful! She asked if I would come and take her to the ER because she had a really bad ear ache. I of course went right over, got her and took her in. She kept telling me to “drive faster!” It was a Saturday night and pouring down rain. I found the whole thing a little funny. I can’t tell you how many times she had to rush me to the ER on a Saturday night in pouring rain because I had an ear infection.Once we got in the back they started to check her in. They asked if she had med allergies and said they have noted in her file that she is allergic to Vicodin. She said “No I’m not. If you would like to just hand me some now I would gladly take it!” My poor mom, she was in SO much pain. I really don’t do well with seeing her like that; it gave me a total anxiety attack. Next they were having a hard time taking her blood pressure and they asked if they could take it on her lower arm. She said “At this point I don’t care if you have to saw my arm off as long as you give me something to make my ear stop hurting.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud to that one!
Turns out that she did in fact have a double ear infection and is now feeling much better. Thank goodness for Vicodin! Oh, my crazy weekend!

Cute cousins

Hank is my Aunts dog and one of Sophie and Panda’s best friends. How cute are they? They had a blast together while I dog sat for Hank Friday night.
Well, I took this photo about two hours before the rain started and it brought a bad surprise with it… Thunder! Hank is terrified of thunder. It turns this huge chocolate lab in to a 100 pound lap dog. Yes literally! The only way to keep him calm was to have the TV on full blast and let him lay in my lap. Who needs to breathe right?
I was so thrilled when the rain stopped about an hour later, and so was Hank! But I got a not so nice surprise in the middle of the night when it started again. I ended up sleeping with Hank across my legs, Panda on my chest because Hank being so upset made him nevus and Sophie slept by my side because that’s where she always sleeps. It made me SO hot and I really didn’t get much sleep at all.
Fun times! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesdays run from hell

So I have been doing two, 4 mile runs a day for almost 2 weeks now and it has been going really well…. Until Tuesday that is. We were about 3 miles in and passing the park when all of a sudden from down one of the paths I see this huge German shepherd come charging at us, teeth showing, growling, dragging part of his broken leash behind him. He got to us before I could blink. Panda and Sophie had wrapped themselves around one of my lags so I really couldn’t move. The dog started trying to bite Sophie and Panda and almost got them a few times, luckily they are so jumpy and fast he couldn’t. I (like a fool!) put my hand down to block / push him and he stats going after me. He tried to bite my hand and once I pulled that up he started going for my leg. I was so freaked and very much in shock. I did the first thing that came to mind and used my free leg to push my heel up into his soft spot by his tummy. (Like the dog whisperer does.) He stopped, looked at me and just sat right down and stayed there.
Just then I hear a woman behind me yell “Hey, you just kicked my dog! I’m calling the cops!”
I was SO pissed! I think you could probably see the smoke coming out of my ears. I flipped around and yell back “Are you f---ing kidding me? First of all I didn’t kick your dog, I did what any trainer would have said to do. And second your dog just attacked me and my dogs and almost bit us! You know what yes, let’s call the cops and call animal control while we are at it! So they can give you a huge flipping ticket and take that beast of yours away from you!”
She looked totally shocked. “No, no. You are right, I am sorry. It was totally my fault.” Then she says in a kind of snotty voice, “Are you all ok? Did he get you?”
Still fuming I say, “No he didn’t ‘get us’ or I WOULD be calling the cops and animal control.”
I turned and started to walk away and she says in a really snotty, short and sarcastic voice “Well I really am sorry.”
I flip back around and yell “Don’t be sorry, get that dog under control! If I ever hear of him doing this to ANYONE else I will make sure he is put down!”
Oh, I was SO mad! That was the edited version; I think that a lot more swear words came out of my mouth at the time. I am not one to EVER hurt an animal in any way (as I think we all know) but when my safety and the well being of my (babies) dogs are at stake I will do whatever I have to. I feel like I wasn’t in the wrong. Her dog never even yelped or anything so I don’t think I even hurt him, and I wasn’t trying to. I think he was more shocked than anything, which is what I was going for. Honestly I didn’t really even think before I acted it was all just happening to fast.
To any on lookers it must have been kind of funny seeing 5 foot tall, shy little me screaming at this woman that must have been a foot taller and at least 150 pounds heavier than me. I was shaking I was so mad. I normal don’t ever yell but I could not control myself.
Anyways that was my fun run for the week. I haven’t seen either of them since. Thank god!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grow Babies, Grow!

The plants will be moving in to bigger planters and hopefully outside soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Ever have a day were you feel like a total hippy? Well for most of you probably not. I have had those days more than I want to admit and yesterday was one of them. Here is why…
I woke up and had my smoothie… my green smoothie. I have been really in to the green supper foods lately so I add a little pack to my smoothies in the morning. I do get the flavored ones because they taste a lot better.
After that I made my cup of green tea and took a shower with all my earth friendly products. I did my hair with two braids on the side pulled back in the middle. (You know, the typical hippy do.) Then I went to the produce farm to get most of my shopping done and to get my mom’s Mother’s Day gift. I got her some vegetable plants. Yes that is really what she wanted. She is as much of a hippy as I am! I then stopped by the regular store to pick up the stuff to make cookies for some of the other moms in my life. Well, they weren’t vegan cookies but that’s good because then I won’t eat them. Lol! I made the cookies and dipped them in chocolate and almonds. Lunch was coconut milk yogurt with my homemade granola.
Later Sarah and I went for a nice 5 mile walk in the sunshine. Oh did I mention I was in my yoga pants all day. :) And for dinned I had an artichoke. Then I did some training with the dogs and relaxed for the rest of the day.
Ok, so a little hippy-ish what can I say.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vegan Dogs?

No way! Not my babies!!! They love them some meat! :) This is their holistic food, it has a blend of three meats. (By the way holistic dog food is made with all human grade, organic ingredients.)
These are their toy boxes, yes they have / need two full boxes. The first one I refer to as the grave yard its full of what I call “chewies,” it just sounds nicer than the real names. Although my dogs are smart they know that the chewies are not allowed near me or on the couch… Ever! I have working dog owner gilt. On my longer work days they always get a new chewy on the shorter days they get a smaller treat. The toys I can’t really explain. Panda loves his toys and he gets to “pick” a new one when he goes to the groomer or the vet. Sometimes I just see one I think he will like and have to get it for him. Sophie couldn’t care less about the toys but she does love her chewies.
Ok, now I sound really crazy… The truth is I am crazy about my babies!

So vegan it is!

I failed my test… My dairy test that is. I guess I am lactose intolerant after all. I tried some cheese and some cookies with butter in them on Saturday and I felt SO sick afterwards. So at least I know what was causing my problems. I am thinking about trying the pill you take before you eat dairy but I will just stick to this vegan thing for now.